Just one impediment can be enough to prevent parents from making use of services and activities intended for them
Children greatly benefit from regular attendance in a quality daycare environment, specifically regarding their cognitive and language development. Attendance in a daycare has a protective effect on school readiness and future educational achievement
No particular effects of these services on school readiness and future educational achievement have been identified
Mobilization focused on education constitutes a protective factor for future educational achievement
Daycare services, healthcare services, social services, community services and public transportation
What is it?
Universal accessibility and proximity of institutional resources (services supplied by public and para-public organizations)
Availability and quality of public services: daycare services, healthcare services, social services, community services and public transportation.
What can we do?
Analyze families’ and children’s needs
Solicit the active participation of key players in the community (hairdresser, grocer, pharmacist, etc.)
Combine services in a single location
Develop alternative means of transportation
Organize activities that foster a close relationship between childcare practitioners and children
Implement welcoming procedures that help foster the development of the child’s sense of well-being
Organize activities that are adapted to children’s age, development and interests